Chata s kapacitou 33 lôžok. V chate je 8 izieb (2×3, 3×4, 3×6 lôžok, niektoré postele sú poschodové). WC a sprchy sú spoločné na chodbách. Spoločenská miestnosť a kuchyňa, kde si ubytovaní môžu sami pripravovať stravu. Chata je vhodná aj pre lyžiarske kurzy.
Ideal accommodation for ski courses
Cottage Dvojka
There are 8 rooms in the cottage (2×4, 2×3, 1×7, 1×6, 1×5, 1×2 king bed, some beds are bunk). Toilets and showers are shared in the corridors. Common room and kitchen, where guests can prepare their own meals. The cottage is also suitable for ski courses.
On Martinské hole above the town of Martin, near the ski lift in the Winter Park Martinky ski area. There are ticket offices, rental shops, ski services, buffets, restaurants and free parking within a few hundred meters. The crossroads of the Martinské hole hiking trails is 150 m away. Ascent to the top of Veľká lúka (1,476 m) is 1 hour on foot along a marked route. You can get to the center only on foot or by car (it turns off in Vrútky, the road is one-way, so you only go up or down at certain times).
Would you be interested in accommodation? Contact us!
Accommodation price list
SUMMER SEASON 01.5 – 31.10 | FIRST SNOW 01.11 – 24.12 | TOP SEASON 25.12 – 08.01 | MAIN SEASON 09.01 – 31.03 | |
COTTAGE DVOJKA (person / night) | 20 € | 22 € | 30 € | 28 € |
COTTAGE DVOJKA (child / night) | 6 - 12 years 20 € | 6 - 12 years 20 € | 3 - 5 years 15 € | 3 - 5 years 15 € |